From Mummy on 21/01/2012

Missing u lots today. Everyday i wake up i wonder why you had to be taken from me, I try to be strong but the feeling of emptiness without you is unbelievable. I know that you will be getting well looked after but wish it was me seeing ur face every morning and being tired because i have been doing your night feeds instead of being tired lying awake thinking of why you had to be taken from me. I don't think i will ever get over losing you but I try to live through the pain every day. Your sisters keep me busy every day but i know they also feel the emptiness without u x I hope that one day i will understand why this had to happen to me but until then i need to believe your safe and being cared for in the way that I would have Sleep tight baby boy and i hope you carry Roo with you every day and your blanket keeps you warm at night x Love you always and forever Logan my third born child and my first ever son x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x